h a p p y
n e w
y e a r
image via linea carta
post by arre
merry christmas to all
and to all a good night
s t e w a r t & j a m e s
kristen & arre
Since this week is exciting enough without the stewart & james gift-away, we decided to postpone the final gift to next week. well, that's not entirely true but we're going with it!
For 4 years now, the talented Jaime Ray at The Fine Print Studio has been designing and printing my Christmas cards. We are always so pleased with them and I just wanted to share our cards over the years (just to catch you up and to send a little nod Jaime’s way!)
photography in the last photo by Smitten
apparently i like to say “happy holidays” better than “Merry Christmas”. But to you – happy holidays & Merry Christmas!!
post by kristen
Do you know the saying “it takes a village to raise a child?” Well, it is a bit more fitting for me to say it takes a village to be ready for Christmas day. It has really crept up on us this year but I finally have stockings hung (thank you mother-in-law for the burlap idea), ginger bread dough ready for baking (thanks arre), and santa gifts ready for little fingers to pry open (thanks to my mom), and thanks to my husband for being able to track down 2 old school desks with very short notice (the girls will love them!).
And THANKS to all of YOU for the great response to our inventory posts – we will be starting a new production at the beginning of the new year – can’t wait to see what 2010 has in store for s t e w a r t & j a m e s!
post by kristen
post by kristen
Whether you are in the mood for dots & stripes
or for a more rustic look
or even for a little bit of both
or the forever crowd pleaser… a touch of gold
or for an S&J all time favorite
We have the perfect Christmas gift for you!!
If you have any questions or would like to see an individual picture of each frame..just leave a comment or send us an email at stewartandjames(at)gmail(dot)com with the number of the photo you are interested in. Happy shopping!!
post by kristen
and moving out... frames that is. We are happy to send off our latest frames to Virginia where I hope they will find warm inviting homes for this holiday season.
And your home has a chance to house one of our handcrafted frames for the holiday season as well (or to become a gift for a loved one!) Stay tuned for the rest of our inventory – only on the blog!
post by kristen
Congraulations Lea! E-mail us a stewartandjames(at)gmail(dot)com with your mailing address!!
post by kristen
r e b e c c a
Congrats Rebecca! I am so wishing I could have entered this one! You are one lucky girl - Thank you to the talented Joni (& Chocolate Butterbean) for offering such a wonderful christmas gift-away!! I can't wait to see what wonderful creation she comes up with for you!
Don't forget to check out this week's gift-away..another one i wish i could enter – good luck!
post by kristen
Can you believe it’s that time of year again?! Christmas season is upon us! And yes – we already have our tree. While we were decorating yesterday I was taking a picture of molly hanging ornaments, when MJ stuck this ornament out in front of the camera…and gasped with a huge “look mom!”
I told her it was an ornament that Jim & I got the year we married. She carried it around (very carefully after i told her it was breakable in as many emphasized syllables as i could) and a little while later she was looking at it turning it over & over in her little hands and said
“mama, I’m so glad you and daddy choosed each other”
me too mare :) she thinks it through doesn’t she?
post by kristen