November 5, 2010

s&j loves children

So you know how I mentioned that we were a little ahead of our to do lists for this show?  Well I was only able to declare that after correcting one little problem that I finally feel able to talk about now that almost a week has gone by.  Last Saturday, my mother-in-law came over and we were talking in the kitchen (which is connected to the dining room – where Arre & i do lots of S&J work) for only a few minutes and MJ walked out of the dining room with a big smile on her face.  I said – “what is it?” – she said “I’ll show you” and took me in there – and to my HORROR – i noticed she had written (in black marker) L – O – V – E on a frame


the frame above has been worked on to try to remove the (now faded) “love” – i was in no mood to snap pics before i attempted to correct the problem.

and as I walked around the room….it was on (luckily not ALL of our frames were in there, but a lot of them).  I’m not sure what happened in the next few minutes – – I do know I said her name very loud and very drawn out with extra syllables to avoid saying anything else I would regret later and she disappeared in tears.


After I calmed down and scrubbed, sanded, & scraped at the frames (and corrected 90% of them) I felt ready to talk to her about it.  When asked “Why?” Her response  was: “I thought you liked that word”  Notice above she used a V-nail for her “L”.  I must say (only a week and thousands of deep breaths later) that is a bit creative.  She is forgiven but not allowed just yet to join the s&j creative team and definitely not allowed in the dining room with a black marker.  I’m glad she loves the word love knows that i like the word love and now knows to NEVER write the word love on anything but paper.  So if you come across a faded “LOVE” on a frame this weekend – you now know the story :)  and the moral: don’t have your work space in the vicinity of children – especially with only a couple weeks out from a show.

Since she wanted to be so involved and they all love “helping” – we decided they could advertise for us.  If you’d like to help..come by and we will stamp you (or your kid) :)

041  062

but don’t touch the frames! (mills)


speaking of the stamp ..Joni at Chocolate Butterbean came through as usual046



awaiting new homes….


We hope to see you there!


  1. oh. my. word.
    I keep waiting for something like this to happen to me.
    {God, please don't let it happen to me.}
    I have another artist friend who did a custom order only to find her 4 year old decided it needed some additional paint.
    Yeah. Fun.
    I have to say, very creative for her to use the V nail.

  2. i know it must have been so stressful for you cute. i'll take one "love" frame by mary james :)


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