May 22, 2009

Before I had children...

I never would have done this....

While MJ and i were making these

I heard a really loud squeal as she pointed to a trail of ants coming from here

(should I be embarrassed there is a hole in my kitchen floor?!)

This was step 1 of my solution (this is where the "never would have done" comes in):
This was step 2 of my (temporary) solution:
i knew this cook book was good for something

Before kids, i never ever would kill an ant, roach, mosquito.. I just couldn't do it. but now I tell them to "stay away from my baby" while i vacuum them up?! (or worse - have my child vacuum them up). I was so happy to learn (as i took the dust buster outside to empty) that it did not kill them, just contained them. Granted, I still don't kill the roaches, i just trap them under a cup until Jim gets home but they are trapped for a time being and that's not enormously nice either.

In case you were wondering, the ants are gone (thanks to Jim when he got home). I hope everyone has a wonderful, ant-free memorial day weekend!


  1. i am loving that pic of mj dustbusting ants on this "monday" xx

  2. hey y'all! i just saw the links to the website and etsy store up top. first time i've seen the website - looks great!

  3. aw - thanks shanna! did you see YOU?

  4. yay! glad someone saw and linked :) yes, pictures are looking much better on the site, thanks to you!


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