July 19, 2009

with our show right around the corner...

(in four days, to be exact) Savannah has been on my mind. A year and half ago when my sister announced she and her husband and child (cute William) were moving to Savannah, i was so excited! While their former home of Atlanta was a good bit of a shorter and easier trip for us, Savannah is a fun place to visit! So, a few months after their move, we packed up and made a trip to visit. I hate to call my kids bad but that's exactly what Molly was. She refused to sleep, was not nice to any of the other kids, and acted like a royal brat. In her defense, a few days after we got back to town, we realized she had a pretty bad ear infection so we'll go with that reason for the behavior. But there was one funny moment with her cousin, William that made us laugh and forgive her behavior (for the moment). We caught it on video...And while I will be leaving (a much more grown up) Molly & Mary James with their grandmother next week for the show, Mills will be coming along. And I promise Kelley, she will renew your faith in my kids. But just a reminder for the cute side of Molly that trip..here's a quick clip (doesn't she look like a baby (and William too?!))

post by kristen


  1. That is too freaking funny!!! I remember that trip so well, and can't wait to come stay at Kelly's with NO children! I'm so excited y'all are doing and show in Savannah and think it will be really successful!!!!

  2. thanks!! and yes - your kids fall into the group of kids molly was mean to that trip :) it will be fun! i'm excited too :)


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