August 5, 2009

dress design decor? yes please!

omg! dress design decor? where have i been? this is love. thanks for the intro pink wallpaper.

let me count the ways (that i can think of right now) i am totally digging this site:

1) her header is to DIE for (it reminds me of black pearl press, where other font love lies).

2) her reccomendation(s) could be great for business.

3) she is a girl after my niece's own heart! (remember these shoes?)

4) she's having this party.

5) she just seems cool.

post by arre


  1. ooh agreed! and yes, mary james may want to replace me now, good thing she can't read yet!


  2. OMGosh! I LOVE the framing of all the family photos....and I just happen to have a wall that is in serious need of some help!

  3. Aw, wow! Thanks so much! My Monday morning hasn't started off well and this just made my day!


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